Are Old Fishing Reels Worth Money?

Years ago, I accidentally saw my friend boast that he had sold a $ 600 old reel; I was surprised by it. Go home; I had online searched for all the information about the antique reel and running right into the warehouse and looking for my father’s reels. Unfortunately, no reel is worth over several hundred dollars.

Are old fishing reels worth money? Yes, there can be up to a thousand dollars for an older reel; an average price is from 300$ to 500$. There are four main factors to determine a reel’s value: Age, Condition, Rarity, and Quality.

When combining all four factors, I’m sure you’ll get a big word if you sell it. Next, I will explain more details about those four factors. You can continue to refer to the article below.

The factors that make an ancient reel

The factors that make an ancient reel


People often think of their age; the older reel, the more valuable it to collect. That’s right; most cases are like that.

Bulk production technology is probably not very popular before the 19th century or the early century. Because of that older reels, the more opportunities to be produced in fewer numbers, hard-earning in today. Valuable reels are usually before 1942.

However, in some cases, the older but does not mean high value. For example, if a reel was produced in the early 19th century, it was eligible to be considered an antique reel. Still, if it was a good and affordable reel for many anglers and mass production, maybe 1000, 10000, and many people have equipped it in his arsenal. This will make the value of the reel sharply down; this is the principle of supply-demand in the market.


That is the following crucial factor in assessing the value of the old reels. Condition dramatically affects the value of older reels. The ancient but not useless, seriously damaged antique reel will lead to its sharp down of value. Especially if the reel has replacement parts, its value may be equal to a small amount than the original reel.

When evaluating the condition of the reel, people often assess each level of two aspects, appearance grade, and mechanical grade. Appearance is an external aesthetic status of a reel and mechanical as operating.


Certainly, antique collectors also liked to own something other people didn’t have. If a reel is only produced in specific quantities in a certain period, its value will be very high, which is the hunted object of most collectors. Looking at today’s limited items, you can also have an overview of its prices.

However, there are exceptions. If the reel is produced by a brand that no one knows, no one can determine what year; one can think it only has a few years old. It can be scarce, but collectors will not like to spend some money on a modern item.


Looking at today’s limited items, all of them are handmade. It is also the factor that creates the value of an ancient item. When crafting, the worker can use quality materials to make a good item, and manually, of course, there will be fewer products created. From that, the reel has a high scarcity level.

If a reel is of good quality to scary levels, it may lead to unnecessary misunderstandings. Collectors can think it was only produced in the past years because it works too smoothly.

Combine four factors

A valuable ancient item will converge many types of factors together, and when full of four, the price of the older reel will be very high. When you read the explanation above, you will probably see their connection.

Remember a standard formula for items: “A fewer quantities of high quality reels are produced in a certain short period in many years ago.”

Run right in your warehouse, find the reels that your grandfather or father used to use to catch fish; maybe there will be a surprise for you?

Combine four factors of an worth reel


Remember the factors that create a valuable ancient reel. In some necessary cases, you can determine which price of it.

The old reels are meaningful gifts; if you’re bothered don’t know what to give to your boss or someone who loves fishing, this is probably your best choice.

I have shared the information about”Are old fishing reels worth money?” that I aggregated online and from many of my friends; I hope this article is helpful for you. Do you have any ideas?

Further reading:

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